Notiser Årgång 2, Nr 1, Februari 2015
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Daniel Rönnedal
Fritt Val Tillåtelser
Den här uppsatsen handlar om fritt val (FV) tillåtelser (FVT). Jag
går igenom den s.k. fritt val tillåtelser paradoxen och nämner några
möjliga lösningar på denna. Därefter presenterar jag mitt eget förslag
på hur man bör förstå tillåtelser av detta slag och hur man kan
lösa (FVT) paradoxen. Jag tar upp några potentiella invändningar
mot denna analys och visar hur dessa kan bemötas. Ibland har (FVT)
paradoxen använts som ett argument emot s.k. standard deontisk logik
(SDL). Jag argumenterar för att man kan acceptera förekomsten av
(FV) tillåtelser utan att behöva förkasta (SDL). Däremot pekar diskussionen
på behovet av en kvantifierad deontisk logik.
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Sofia Jeppsson
A Coherent and Comprehensible Interpretation of Saul Smilansky's
Saul Smilansky's theory of free will and moral responsibility
consists of two parts; dualism and illusionism. Dualism is the
thesis that both compatibilism and hard determinism are partly
true, and has puzzled many philosophers. I argue that Smilansky's
dualism can be given an unquestionably coherent and comprehensible
interpretation if we reformulate it in terms of pro tanto reasons.
Dualism so understood is the thesis that respect for persons gives
us pro tanto reasons to blame wrongdoers, and also pro tanto reasons
not to blame them. These reasons must be weighed against each
other (and against relevant consequentialist reasons) in order
to find out what we all things considered ought to do.
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William Simkulet
The Compensation Principle
In "Should Race Matter?," David Boonin proposes the compensation
principle: When an agent wrongfully harms another person, she
incurs a moral obligation to compensate that person for the harms
she has caused. Boonin then argues that the United States government
has wrongfully harmed black Americans by adopting pro-slavery
laws and other discriminatory laws and practices following the
end of slavery, and therefore the United States government has
an obligation to pay reparations for slavery and discriminatory
laws and practices to those who have been harmed by them - in
particular, to contemporary black Americans. Here I argue that
the compensation principle is false because it violates the control
principle, the foundational principle of ethics that states that
moral responsibility requires control; for an agent to be morally
responsible for something, whether or not she does that thing
must be within her control. If the compensation principle creates
a moral obligation for an agent to compensate a harmed party,
failure to do so will result in that agent's being morally blameworthy
for failing in her obligation. Because some harms cannot be compensated
for, agents who wrongfully harm others will be required to do
something that is outside of their control.
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Daniel Rönnedal
Alethic-Deontic Logic: Some Theorems
The purpose of this paper is to prove some theorems in alethic-deontic
logic. Alethic-deontic logic is a kind of bimodal logic that combines
ordinary alethic (modal) logic and deontic logic. Ordinary alethic
logic is a branch of logic that deals with modal concepts, such
as necessity and possibility, modal sentences, arguments and systems.
Deontic logic is the logic of norms. It is about normative words,
such as "ought", "right" and "wrong", normative sentences, arguments
and systems. Alethic-deontic logic contains both modal and normative
concepts and can be used to study how these interact. This paper
contains some interesting theorems that can be proved in alethic-deontic
logic. I will show that all primitive deontic operators are redundant
when prefixed to the alethic operators in some systems. I will
prove that necessarily equivalent sentences have the same deontic
status in many systems. I will establish that the set of sentences
in some alethic-deontic systems can be partitioned into five,
mutually exclusive, exhaustive subsets. Finally, I will show that
there are exactly ten distinct modalities in some alethic-deontic
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